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The voice of the outdoors

Already an Outdoors NSW & ACT member?

Login to the Members Resource Portal now

The Outdoors NSW & ACT Members Resource Portal contains:

Business Plan Templates

Marketing Resources

Research Studies

Articles on case studies in the outdoors

Comprehensive library of recorded forums

Mentoring Program materials

Advocacy Templates

Outdoor Industry Information

Industry Events & Conference Materials

Committee resources and outcomes

Discount offers

Tenders & Grants relevant to the Outdoors

Product Recalls

Industrial Relations information and news

and much more...

Our purpose

Our purpose is to raise the profile, increase participation, and develop capacity with opportunity for positive outdoor experiences, and environmental and cultural activities in NSW & the ACT, and play a leading role in promoting and developing the outdoors community in NSW, ACT, and beyond.

Wild Nature

We represent

We do this through the representation of members and member groups, promotion of members and outdoor activities, and advocacy with government and land/water managers.

Woman Surfing

We empower

We also work with industry professionals to further the professionalism and integrity of our industry, and membership to Outdoors NSW & ACT enables the collective local voices of both the NSW & ACT outdoor operators to be heard at all levels of government, empowering us to help shape the future of our own industry.

Professional Rock Climbing

We welcome

We welcome membership applications from organisations and individuals involved in the outdoor industry in NSW, ACT, and beyond.



Membership to Outdoors NSW & ACT is available to any commercial, not-for-profit, volunteer, educational, or government organisation, group, association, body, or individual and offers a range of benefits that will assist you and/or your organisation to provide high-quality outdoor experiences.


“Thank you for your leadership in this time. Your chairing of the industry meetings has been exemplary especially at a time when we are all feeling a little fresh to zoom meetings. We greatly appreciate the way you’ve carefully brought us together towards best practice – not an easy time for you no doubt!” 

Sam Hudson

Head of Outdoor Education


“Thank you for keeping us so well informed about the efforts of Outdoors NSW in trying to lobby the Government to allow our sector to re-open.  
We really appreciated your ability to get to the right people that need to be spoken to.”  

Brad Higgins

Great Aussie Bush Camp

“Credit to all of the peak bodies for supporting an industry-wide return and to all of the providers who ARE doing the right thing with developing and implementing their COVID Safe plans. Your commitment and dedication is certainly widely appreciated!” 

Ryan Todd

Southbound Adventures 

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