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In the Media

NOEC 2022 - Call to Government
October 2022


Following the National Outdoor Education Conference 2022, Outdoors NSW & ACT released a media release to call the government to understand the importance of Outdoor Education. 

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NBN News May 2022

NBN News covered the program launch of Active Outdoor Kids in Port Macquarie. Thanks to Port Macquarie Surf School for partnering with us on this program. 

Another 10 locations will be rolled out under the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund, which is a joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement.

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SMH - 16 November 2021

Outdoor education and wind instruments banned while sport allowed....Music teachers and the $7 billion outdoor education industry are struggling for survival with many workers quitting or being stood down as COVID-19 restrictions continue for NSW public schools. While contact sport is allowed throughout schools, overnight camps and playing instruments like the flute are not permitted.

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Ticker TV - 1st October 2021

Advocating for the Outdoors and helping the option of a career in the Outdoors be widely recognised. 

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National Outdoor Education Conference Postponed until September 2022
But Precursor on 29th Sept 2021!

Unfortunately, circumstances across Australia enforced NOEC 2021 to become NOEC 2022, although with a bonus. For all those who have purchased tickets prior to 25th July 2021, you will receive free access to the NOEC Precursor to be held online on 29th September 2021.

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National Outdoor Education Conference Back on the Agenda!
June 2021

If you are in the Outdoor Education sector or considering getting more involved in this sector, you can not miss this event! After a false start in 2020 and postponement was essential, the committee was committed to getting it on the agenda for 28 September 2021, here it is!

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Get Outdoors in the ACT
April 2021

This public relations campaign aims to educate people on the benefits of getting outdoors and showcases the amazing experiences to be had in Canberra and surrounds. Click here to see the media release.

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Resumption of Camps in 2020

August 2020

School camps provide substantial benefit to all children that attend and whilst not fully realised at the time and place, research has shown that they increase social connection, skill development and resilience amongst our youth. Click image below to see the news segment.

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New CEO Appointed
April 2020

The Outdoor Recreation Industry Council of NSW & ACT (Outdoors NSW), the peak industry association for the outdoor education and recreation sector, has recently appointed Lori Modde as the new CEO, with the departure of Dr Amanda Lloyd. 

Ms Modde comes to Outdoors NSW from Sydney Olympic Park Authority, where the appreciation of the Outdoors in education, recreation and therapy is very well understood.

She hopes to collide both her worlds in this position; the knowledge, understanding and potential that Industry Associations can provide to their communities of interest with the customer centricity focus that provide destination and business prosperity. 


Spotlight Interview 29 June 2022

Combination of voice and collaboration gets results... 🔦Spotlight 29.6.2022 🎙️ Lori Modde MAICD FICDA MBA, CEO of Outdoors NSW & ACT speaks with Jim and Darryn about the activities of the peak body for Outdoor recreation, education, adventure tourism and nature therapy industries. - to listen click below.

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Nine News 21 November 2021

Continuing to advocate for support for an industry that has been stopped from connecting with their customers due to a restriction by the Dept of Health enforcing Level 3 restrictions on public schools. There was one case recorded in a private school outdoor campus while 1420 cases were recorded in the week of 17 Nov.


Nine News - 6th November 2021

As school camps remain on hold in NSW the businesses that facilitate this learning and development of our children are hanging on by a wire... they have no certainty, no date of return and they are losing staff every day. Outdoors NSW & ACT is amplifying the message to get our government to hear our cry for help. This is a segment covered by Channel 9 News in Sydney on 6th November 2021.

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National Event Postponed
Blue Mountains Gazette - 11 Aug '21

"The future is still bright and the outdoors remains the safest

place to be for our community. What people in this industry

have known for years about the benefits of the outdoors

is now starting to filter through to communities as they experience it for themselves." Ms Modde said.

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Outdoor Education efforts Applauded!
July 2021

Several private schools are to be commended for their dedication to Outdoor Education, in working with NSW Health and also AIS to ensure their students gained the significant benefits of their Outdoor Education Programs. As many schools stop their activities, these schools have shown great leadership in providing COVID Safe environments. 

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Funds for Youth to get Outdoors!
April 2021

Outdoors NSW & ACT are one of the successful applicants of the Australian Government and NSW Government Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund which will get more youth into active recreation. Read more here.

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MasterClass arrives in the ACT
March 2021

Lori Modde was interviewed by ABC Canberra about the need to get Outdoors for your health and wellbeing. Discussing the upcoming MasterClass Lori emphasised the array of opportunities people now have in recreation and adventure activities on their doorstep that can add to a better quality life. 


Border Closures

February 2021

Border closures have significant impact on our families and travel arrangements but businesses also operate across borders and in particular the Outdoor industry relies on customers across borders, staff across borders and also the product we offer is often across borders. 

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