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Who is Outdoors NSW & ACT?

Outdoors NSW & ACT is the peak body supporting the Outdoor Recreation, Education, Adventure Tourism and Events and Therapy sectors that connect the community to nature for their health, development, skill-building, and wellbeing. We provide our industry with a larger voice, opportunities, and leadership. Members receive business and activity support, marketing, and opportunities that build their capacity to remain a sustainable entity.
Outdoors NSW & ACT is supported by the Office of Sport in NSW, ACT Sport & Recreation, and works with other government stakeholders to help in increasing active recreation in our communities.
We also have a number of volunteers that work to help us achieve great things. View our current volunteer members by clicking the arrow below.

Key Documents
Current Committees
Governance Committee
Incident Response & Risk Management Committee​
Trail Bike Committee
Mountain Bike Committee
Climate Change Committee
First Nations Committee
Outdoor Leaders Committee
Outdoor Learning Committee
Back Country Committee
"Outdoors NSW & ACT has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and now is a time when it is more relevant than ever."
Martin Burney,
President of Outdoors NSW & ACT.
"Almost everything at a personal, business and societal level has been shaken in 2020. It has been a year of redefining priorities, and as we prepare for 2021 we have an opportunity to take the lessons we have learnt, focus on what we value and make decisions that align with those values for ourselves, our families, businesses and communities."
McCrindle Research 2020

*Marsden Jacob Assoc Report 2018
Want to see who is behind Outdoors NSW & ACT?

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